Approval of upscaling project funded by European Innovation Council

Our upscaling project no 101010499 which was funded by the European Innovation Council (EIC) from the Green Deal program 2020 received an approval with very supportive comments in May 2024. The project was a success despite the covid crisis, that prolonged the activities planned for 2 years into 3 years.  We did it:-)! We now… Continue reading Approval of upscaling project funded by European Innovation Council


The honor to host the President of Estonia

Last week, a President of Estonia, Mr. Alar Karis honored BiotaTec with a visit to our Biomining Demo Plant, where highly memorable hours were filled with insightful talks and presentations. According to Mr. Alar Karis, President of the Republic, the demand for rare earth elements will only increase during the green transition, but related reserves… Continue reading The honor to host the President of Estonia

Categorized as News

Statement of Estonian entrepreneurs: The Green Transition MUST become a political and social PRIORITY

More than 65 Estonian entrepreneurs, including BiotaTec OÜ, signed today a joint statement encouraging the Estonian government, political parties, and the media to make the green transition a priority in the coming years, stressing that there is no contradiction between the green transition and development. As BiotaTec OÜ’s new solutions are essential for the successful… Continue reading Statement of Estonian entrepreneurs: The Green Transition MUST become a political and social PRIORITY


Joining ERMA

We are thrilled to join ERMA – The European Raw Materials Alliance. ERMA was announced on 3 September 2020, as part of an Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials. We are super-confident, that BiotaTec’s re-mining solutions for extracting value from primary and secondary low-grade ores support strongly the ERMA’s vision to secure access to strategic… Continue reading Joining ERMA

Mining Conference 2017 in Rakvere

The Mining Conference 2017 organized extremely well by MTÜ Eesti Mäeselts was taking place in Viljandi, Sakala keskus on the 4th and 5th of May. On the first day, the CEO of BiotaTec was presenting an overview on our tiny and hungry miners. Presentation (in Estonian). Photos by Annika and Andre Lüüde, Sirli Sipp Kulli.
