We are very excited and happy to announce that Mr. Anastasios Kaldis is joining BiotaTec team as a coach via Horizon 2020 SME Instrument support programm starting from 4th of October 2017.
Mr. Kladis owns extensive more than twenty years’ experience in Industrial Minerals business: Resources Evaluation and Development, Joint Ventures, Co-specialization alliances, Business Development, Corporate Development, Product Development, Pricing, Purchasing, etc.
The SME Instrument is impact oriented. It is focused on finding the best SMEs and not only giving them a grant but also business innovation coaching.
Coaches will help the beneficiaries to progress over the life cycle of their innovation, from idea to proof of concept, to first pilot application and finally upscaling and expansion. They will empower the SME to cope with challenges such as developing their strategy and organisation, identifying their market and improving ability to attract finance.
The coaching approach under the SME Instrument is built on a philosophy of “sense and solve” – understanding the context of the company and empowering the management for handling similar challenges in the future on their own.
More on https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/coaching-under-sme-instrument