Fantastic connections made at extremely well organized 12th Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining Conference.
The biannual FEM, founded in 1998, brings together over thousand exploration and mining industry leaders, experts and researchers from all around the world. This year FEM had 1215 participants from 32 countries.
Among other exciting meetings and new acquaintances, we are extremely happy to have had a warm talk with Mr Felix Lee (on the right), president of Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC). As BiotaTec is making it’s first steps in Canadian Raw
Material community (stay tuned), we were thrilled to get to acquainted with Mr Robert Hearst from Toronto (on the left).
The weather seemed specially ordered for an Estonian taste!
Thank you all, dear organizers of FEM!
Special huge thanks go to Ms Riitta Muhojoki, FEM Project Manager!